Friday, 10 October 2008

something about saving the planet

since my last post on outdoor i kind of went down that alley a little further. outdoor is unbelievably flexible and allows you to be super creative; found two great examples of how you can modify traditional media positions into something slightly unconventional - both with a similar message. maybe you recognise the idea, but still it's engaging.



Joachim said...

are they more creative in Australia than in Sweden?
the ads on the busstations here are boring

carladamfrisk(at) said...

the busstop one is actually from south africa, and the other one from.. denver, usa.

i know too little about swedish outdoor advertising to form an opinion wether they are less creative or not, yet i have seen some fine examples of australian ambient and outdoor over the last couple of weeks. yet again, i was less into advertising before i got here - less susceptible.