Sunday, 6 April 2008

something about draft fcb

this particular post will consist of wisdom and know-how generated through draft fcb. an imc agency who believes that, "it’s all about inspiration and motivation. about turning insights about the consumer, the client and the competition into ideas that incite consumer behavior."

moreover fcb is, "a full marketing communication agency designed to build our clients' businesses by focusing on consumer behavior."

they represent a new breed agency with activities worldwide. their business portfolio goes beyond success, including cooperations with audi, toyota, honda, oreo, kfc, motorola, lego and starbucks to highlight a few. their philosophy of communication through seamless strategies and creativity inspires and interests me completely.

quote: "it's about understanding the most optimal way of connecting with the consumer at the right time, in the right place with the most compelling message. ultimately we are an organization where creativity supersedes everything but accountability.
above the line, below the line, on-line, off-line, conventional vertical reporting lines, horizontal waiting lines. in fact, completely outside the lines of traditional thinking. our objective is simple. to offer total integration that is effective and efficient and optimizes consumer behavioral insights to drive results."end of quote. sophistication at its peak.

their website,, clarifies their terrific insights towards the business of integrated communication.

their swedish office on birger jarls gatan in stockholm is well worth a visit anytime time soon.

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